american on purpose: the improbable adventures of an unlikely patriot

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In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson delivers a moving and achingly funny memoir of living the American dream as he journeys from the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland, to the comedic promised land of Hollywood. Along the way he stumbles through several attempts to make his mark—as a punk rock musician, a construction worker, a bouncer, and, tragically, a modern dancer.

To numb the pain of failure, Ferguson found comfort in drugs and alcohol, addictions that eventually led to an aborted suicide attempt. (He forgot to do it when someone offered him a glass of sherry.) But his story has a happy ending: in 1993, the washed-up Ferguson washed up in the United States. Finally sober, Ferguson landed a breakthrough part on the hit sitcom The Drew Carey Show, a success that eventually led to his role as the host of CBS’s The Late Late Show. By far Ferguson’s greatest triumph was his decision to become a U.S. citizen, a milestone he achieved in early 2008, just before his command performance for the president at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson talks a red, white, and blue streak about everything our Founding Fathers feared.


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– ISBN13: 9780061719547
– Condition: NEW
– Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
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Customer Buzz

 “I loved it” 2009-12-12
By Martushka
Ever since we happened upon the author’s show, we have been recording it every night to watch the following morning. Even before reading this book, we have picked up hints in the midst of his popular-culture banter that his range of knowledge is very deep. Few talk-show hosts evidence as impressive an acquaintance with history, literature, languages, music and art as Craig Ferguson, nor do they wax as profound (and personal) as he chooses to do on occasion.

His book was predictably hilarious, and demonstrates how versatile and brilliant he is. He is not only an accidental American, but an accidental writer, film producer, actor and comedian. He is also a great example of an autodidact (to use his word), another testament to his brilliance.

The writing is engaging and flows, and the final pages inspiringly wrap up the narrative.

Customer Buzz

 “A funny account of a journey from Glasgow to Hollywood” 2009-12-12
By Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA)
AMERICAN ON PURPOSE: THE IMPROBABLE ADVENTURES OF AN UNLIKELY PATRIOT comes from an author who calls himself Scottish at heart and American in soul, and provides a funny account of his journey from Glasgow to Hollywood. From his Scottish upbringing and heavy drinking problems to his career struggles, this gritty self-assessment will find a home in any general lending library.

Customer Buzz

 “Craig Ferguson’s life before sobriety and success.” 2009-12-11
By judith stein (Catskills, NY)
I’ve been watching Mr. Ferguson for several years and so was eager to read this book. I find his type of comedy very funny and enjoy his tv show.

The book was just about what I expected. Since a great deal of his material on tv and on the tv special of this year was about his previous experiences and his life while drinking and doping, there was not a great deal in the book that was exceptionally new material. There were some things that I didn’t know but really not many since he refers to this material over and over again. He is really best at his improv. type of show.

THe book was relatively well written, easy to read, not long (I finished it in one sitting). I think that it was a true autobiography from what I knew prior to reading it. There were no suprises. I would have enjoyed more pictures and a peek into his real life now. I believe he tries very hard to protect his private life which is certainly understandable.

I believe this is a book for his true fans since I believe you need to know of him and enjoy his style before you would buy the book. It took me quite awhile to purchase it even as much as I enjoy his work. The reading level of the book is not exceptional and you don’t have to have more than a 6th grade reading level to read it. I would not reccomend it for anyone that age, however. If you are looking for comedy that’s not what this is. It’s just what it says it is, which is very much what he presents…He’s forthright and seems to be quite honest in presenting the bad with the good.

Overall, I wasn’t disappointed and don’t regret purchasing the book.

Customer Buzz

 “Craig Ferguson Doesn’t Disappoint” 2009-12-10
By School Board Gal (St. Louis MO USA)
If you like Craig Ferguson on The Late Late Show, you will like this book. His words jump off the page with the same enchanting voice and sometimes painful bluntness. In many ways, it’s astonishing he’s still alive and (relatively) sane, considering the life he’s lived so far. Read this book, because it will only increase your enjoyment of this truly amazing man, whom I’m proud to call my fellow American.

Customer Buzz

 “A good peek into what makes Craig, Craig!” 2009-12-10
By Linda Jones Boonstra
I love Craig on TV, so I HAD to have this book. I’m glad I bought it, it’s quite the insight into how Craig grew up and became the very funny man he is! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I recommend it highly.

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